The credit English for Multilingual 学生 (EngM) program at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 offers reading and writing classes to prepare students for vocational or transferable college coursework.  Our program helps students to understand textbooks, 提高写作水平, and learn academic and workplace readiness skills. These courses focus on developing academic writing, reading comprehension, and speaking skills.


How to apply for Credit ESL / EngM courses:

步骤1. 申请入学

步骤2. Complete the 位置的评估

English language placement assessments are given in the Assessment Office in the student services building. Call for an appointment: (805) 289-6402 
Placement assessments are also given in ELC-3 during the Fall & 春季学期. Call, stop by, or e-mail for an appointment at 805-289-6484 or

Test results and assessment information about classes


步骤3.  Complete the enrollment process. Follow the guidelines on this page:  入学申请

Credit ESL / EngM will give you ways to: 
  • 提高语法
  • 建立词汇表 
  • 理解阅读 
  • Develop Reading Comprehension
  • 提高口语能力e



Who should take ESL / EngM courses?

ESL / EngM is designed for students who speak more than one language, and need to improve their English language skills for college. However, all students are welcome. 
Have you been in the USA for less than 7 years?
Would you like to go to college or university in the United States?
Credit ESL / EngM classes focus on developing your English language skills for workforce training and college. 
Have you been in the USA for more than 8 years?
Would you like to improve your English skills for college and university?
Credit ESL / EngM will help you improve your academic English skills. These courses help students become more prepared for college and university by strengthening their reading and writing skills in academic classes such as history, 社会学, 心理学, 等. 
Have you been in the United States all your life, speaking two languages? 
Do you feel challenged by English grammar and writing?
Native English speakers who feel the need to improve their academic reading and writing skills, as well as their oral communication skills, can also take ESL / EngM classes. 欢迎大家!  ESL / EngM courses help build students' confidence in their English language skills for higher education, which can lead to reaching their goals for college and beyond!
Do you feel like you are not ready for credit ESL / EngM courses?
学生 who are interested in tuition-free courses, can enroll in 不计学分的英语 classes at the 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 East Campus in Santa Paula.


"I wish I would have taken this class when I first started college because it would have helped me tremendously in my other classes——桑德拉·韦策尔

"This class has been really helpful for me because it taught us how to write and how to handle our future classes and our future job.——王大卫

"My best friend, who is a native speaker, told me that she sees a change in my text messages. She does not have to read them 3-5 times to understand me - like before.——杰西卡·里奥斯

"I wish I had taken EngM 50 before all my other classes. I would have been more prepared.——米歇尔·奥罗斯科

"My class taught me more than I ever thought it would. EngM is an awesome class for anyone returning to school.——April Pool




 For more information call (805) 289-6484 or e-mail